Tuesday 3 November 2020


 Angles are a helpful tool to use in everyday life. Mostly being used in buildings angles are their to measure and identify the degree of a shape. There are six angles that can be used, Acute, Obtuse, Right Angle, Reflex, Straight Angles, and Revolution. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees, Obtuse is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees, right angles a 90 degrees on the dot, reflex is over 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees, a straight angle is 180 degrees on the dot, and the revolution is the full 360 degrees/circle.

What do you use to measure angles?

The main tool to use is a protractor, they are either a semi-circled shape protractor or a full circle shaped protractor. Both of these protractors have to sets of numbers. The full circle goes up to 360 degrees so you can measure up to 360 degrees, The Semi-circle measures up to 180 degrees so you can measure up to 180 degrees.

How to use protractors?

On the bottom of the protractor is a little intersection.

To use the protractor you put the intersection on the baseline/vertex of the shape and use that as the measure. You don't measure the straight line of the shape, you measure the uneven line.

what ever number you get the is the degrees of the shape and this determines the angle of the shape. And remember the angle/shape rule whether it be a acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle ECT.

With this information in mind my class and I had a fun experience of going around our school and finding angles as well as measuring them. Me and my friend measured many things but ended up mostly finding right angles. It was a fun activity and helped me in progressing my learning and becoming a better learner. These angles activities we do really help me and allow me to futher extend my prior knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roman.N Reid here form paroa school
    thank you for showing me how to uses angles this will been helpful to people the dasn't know this topic
    Thanks Reid
