

Monday, 25 June 2018

My New Goals

My new goals for this week is sentences for surface features and organasation for surface features. The reason i need to work on sentences is to improve on my punctuation and story settings. I also need to improve on being more organized like I need to make my storys make sense, and also I need them to help me put my words in the right place. Example for organasation I use my paragraphs which group my ideas to together, I use appropriate linking words between my Paragraphs. (Words examples: hence, therefore, in conclusion, furthermore, as a result of, on the contray, nevertheless).
I miss a line between paragraphs.
I sequense some of my paragraphs in away that makes sense ( with a begining middle and a end).

most of my sentences are correct:
correct tense, correct subject/verb, make sense
I try to usea varietyof sentense structure
simple compond and complex.
I try to vary the length of my sentenses for effects.
I use varioustypes of sentenses. (for example statment, question, command, exclamation).
Oh also a maths goal is to work on my times tables and fractions because i have trouble doing them sometimes

Monday, 11 June 2018

My Litetracy Goals

My litetracy goals are spelling for surface features and for deeper features ideas.  Lets start of with ideas ideas is a deeper  features that sets you up for the next task and that helps you work out the answers quicker. Spelling is a surface feature that people need to improve on including me and is also that when you write a story you need your reader to understand.

Friday, 1 June 2018

My Goal Setting

Today I'm going to talk about my goals that I'm useing for the week. My goal that i had in mind is my vocabulary (which is a depper feature goal). What I've done is try to us more intense words over the week. For example i was writing a metapor for my Mum and used words like expensive, lusciuos irriesitable. I also need to work on my vocabulary a bit more for example i didn't use it that much in most of my other story like i was writing a story about a tiger samuria where i only used words that everyone uses in there every day life like helped, brave, and smashed.

My second goal is a surface feature goal which is punctuation. The the reason i want to work on this topic is because i don't really use my full stops, speach marks and elpises. For example one i did not do so well we were doing free writing and I bearly use my punctuation. I also want to work on making my storys make sence.