

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Saint peter chanel

My Cool Maths

This week our class have been focused on our work in the green books, orange book, but what I did was a blue book. The WALT for the blue book was to use our times two facts and halfing to divide by two, four or eight. What the blue book has done for me is help me find out how to divide and time big numbers like 92 divide by two which equals 46. So now when I´m older and I´m in a money problem of a problem that involves maths its up here in the brain, so that's what they mean by school help your future 

Monday, 15 October 2018

My goals

My end of term goal for literacy is to be able to use punctuation is the right positioning. My end of term goal for maths is to be able to do my times tables and division right of the bat. My end of term goal for sport is to exercise more and get more fit for athletic!!!

Friday, 21 September 2018

s2 what i learned this week

In the Tui class, we learned a lot about Jesus and the Holy  Spirit and more particularly about healing and ways to heal.  like how Jesus heals us when his holy spirit came down from heaven to heal his disciples

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Keeping cybersmart, poem

I have special secrets whenever I´m online I do not share with others the things that are just mine my email my home address my phone number my full names these facts are just for me to know on the website or in games.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

what i learned this week part 3

I learned about ancient and recent architecture and I learned about the longest still building tower in the world called the Sagrada Familia. I also know other ancient places like were a volcano well didn't erupt but ash's of lava burnt the because it was nearly going to erupt and some people fled and some people stayed and most of them died

three thing I learned this week part 2

Today I learned how to do high numbered place value and high multiplication by how working with a blue and green book to challenge our brain

Three thing i learned this week

This week I learned about down syndrome and how they are like that. People with Down Syndrome are like that because when the people with Down syndrome were born the had an extra chromosome and just because they are not as people say, normal people  but just because they say that it's not true because without people with Down Syndrome this world wouldn't be how it is now

Monday, 25 June 2018

My New Goals

My new goals for this week is sentences for surface features and organasation for surface features. The reason i need to work on sentences is to improve on my punctuation and story settings. I also need to improve on being more organized like I need to make my storys make sense, and also I need them to help me put my words in the right place. Example for organasation I use my paragraphs which group my ideas to together, I use appropriate linking words between my Paragraphs. (Words examples: hence, therefore, in conclusion, furthermore, as a result of, on the contray, nevertheless).
I miss a line between paragraphs.
I sequense some of my paragraphs in away that makes sense ( with a begining middle and a end).

most of my sentences are correct:
correct tense, correct subject/verb, make sense
I try to usea varietyof sentense structure
simple compond and complex.
I try to vary the length of my sentenses for effects.
I use varioustypes of sentenses. (for example statment, question, command, exclamation).
Oh also a maths goal is to work on my times tables and fractions because i have trouble doing them sometimes

Monday, 11 June 2018

My Litetracy Goals

My litetracy goals are spelling for surface features and for deeper features ideas.  Lets start of with ideas ideas is a deeper  features that sets you up for the next task and that helps you work out the answers quicker. Spelling is a surface feature that people need to improve on including me and is also that when you write a story you need your reader to understand.

Friday, 1 June 2018

My Goal Setting

Today I'm going to talk about my goals that I'm useing for the week. My goal that i had in mind is my vocabulary (which is a depper feature goal). What I've done is try to us more intense words over the week. For example i was writing a metapor for my Mum and used words like expensive, lusciuos irriesitable. I also need to work on my vocabulary a bit more for example i didn't use it that much in most of my other story like i was writing a story about a tiger samuria where i only used words that everyone uses in there every day life like helped, brave, and smashed.

My second goal is a surface feature goal which is punctuation. The the reason i want to work on this topic is because i don't really use my full stops, speach marks and elpises. For example one i did not do so well we were doing free writing and I bearly use my punctuation. I also want to work on making my storys make sence.

Friday, 18 May 2018

My goals for numracy, litracy, and RE

My goal for litracy is to master my riddles by practising at home and getting beter at it next week. My goal for numracy is to  master my fraction by using them at home like when we get food i want to split it equaly and try get better at them at school. My goal for RE is to learn more about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. My goal for fitness is to explain the game propally and when i explain i MIMS.

My improvments

This week i improved on my promblem solving with Mr.Gunn. Even though we didin't get the answer we did hard challenging working out so i'm going to try to work this answer out at home . This week I nailed my world records. Because i took something easy (which was the ABC) and i turned it into something pretty hard. So i can't wait to do these world record's.s

Thursday, 5 April 2018

My Personality

 Today i'm going to be talking about all my favourite things in the world.  To start it off my favourite my favourite movie is Jumanji because of the hummor, action, and adventure. My favourite food is a burrito because of its mushyness and it bursts with flavor. My favourite book is the amazing Captin underpants because of its hummor the reason its funny is because of all the hilarious name's like wegie magie, Captin underpants, and Dr Poopypants. My favourite place in New Zealand is my home because of the confort of my couch and the warmness of my bed, Lucky last my most favourite thing in the world is my family because when ever i'm around them i feel loved.
Image result for captain underpantsImage result for jumanjiImage result for burito

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Monday, 12 February 2018

Hello my name is Roman and i like device and video games and school and going to the beach and the pools. School is a fun place we get to learn and play, and we get to go on device. My goal for school is to learn aljbra desimos thank you for lookin at my blog.